Approach, Enter, Exit, MSPSL, LADA
In this module you learn how to identify roundabouts and how to deal, using MSPSL, LADA and 3 stage approach. Which traffic has priority and how to emerge a safe and exit.
In this module you learn how to approach a roundabout for taking first exit using MSPSL and LADA routine, finding a safe gap to emerge and considering other traffic, use of mirrors and signal.
In this module you learn how to approach a roundabout for going straight ahead taking secend exit using MSPSL and LADA routine, finding a safe gap to emerge and considering other traffic, use of mirrors and signal in good time.
In this module you learn how to approach a roundabout to turn right, taking third exit using MSPSL and LADA routine, finding a safe gap to emerge and considering other traffic, use of mirrors and signal in good time.
MSPSL, LADA, Blockers
In this module you learn about mini roundabouts and how to identify and deal with, using MSPSL routine and traffic blockers to find a safe gap to emerge.